Teacher's Visual Guide to Setting up A Classroom Blog

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If you think Blogger is where you want to host your classroom blog, here is a step by step guide on how to do it.

1- First you need to have a Google account, if you have a Gmail account then that means you already have one. Head over towww.blogger.comand log in. Once logged in ,you will land on a page that resembles the one in the screenshot, click on " New Blog "

2 Provide a title for your blog, then type in the address you want to use as URL, you need to keep trying till you find the one available. Next, pick up a template from gallery then click on " create blog" see snapshot below.

3- Now your new blog will appear in your blogger page as is shown in the snapshot below. The one I created for this tutorial is named " test blog " see below. Now click on " start posting " under the title of your blog and you will be directed to a Blogger editor where you can type in your blog post.

Here is what you can do on the editor :

A- Insert Image
To insert an image click on the image icon as shown in the screenshot below

B- Hyperlink a word or phrase
To hyperlink a word just highlight it then click on " Link" in the authoring bar and paste in the link as is shown below

C- Insert Videos
There are two ways to insert videos into your blog post, check outthis guideI published earlier on how to do it.

D- Add a quote
To add quotes to your post, paste in or type in the quoted chunk of text then click on the quote icon as shown below

E- Check spelling
Blogger has an integrated spell checker, however this checker sometimes does not work correctly, so to make sure your post is error free click on " abc" icon and any misspelled word will be highlighted in yellow, click on it to correct it

F- Choose Font
To select the font of your text, click on " F" icon and pick up the font you want

G- Change font size
改变字体大小of your text , click on the font size icon and choose the size you want.

H- Label your post
Labels help you organize your posts into different categories. For instance, if I write a tutorial I would label my post as : tutorial or guide...etc so that when I have several posts and want to look for a specific one I can easily find it based on the labels I used.

I am not sure if you would want to tweak the HTML of your post unless you have a basic knowledge to do so. HTML is useful when integrating ' code snippets" of infographics and videos or slides.

5- Share your Post
Once you are done with typing your post, you can then click on " Publish" and your post will instantly be available on the net

Now here is how to customize the settings of your Blog.

1- To add authors to your blog, click on " setting " located on the left hand side then click on " basic ".

Now scroll down to " blog authors". Click on add and paste in their email or choose one from your contact list in Gmail.

2- Set Blog Readers
You can either make your blog open to the public by choosing " anybody:. You can also restrict readers to only authors you have added in the previous step, or you can restrict reading of your blog to a set of people you select.

3- Adjust Commenting features
By default your blog will display a comment box below your posts.But you can work on who can write comments, you can also moderate comments before they are published and enable a word verification captcha to fight off automated comments.